'Meet the Team' Hull

Welcome to the BURTON ROOFING MERCHANTS LTD Chapman Street depot, the birthplace of our roofing distribution.
In charge of this depot is Branch Manager Barry Barker who has been with Burtons for 28 years, starting at Hull in 1987. The Depot itself, one of our largest boasting a 2.5 acres site including a 15,000sq foot dedicated warehouse.
All the sales, logistics, loading and ordering are handled by our experienced staff . We talk to team members Garry, Lorraine and Tom who between them have over 62 years service with Burton Roofing . They provide us with a typical overview of their working day at Burton Roofing...
07.20 – The staff arrive for the day, switch on the lights, computers & open the warehouse.
07.25 – Our trucks, loaded with our customers’ orders, leave the premises to clear the way for our collect trade & goods inwards.
07.30 – We open the gates & welcome in the customers! The sales team handle incoming calls, check emails and prepare quotes and orders accordingly. Mike, our Sales Representative, heads out to site to complete site measures and meet prospective customers.
08.00 – Lorraine monitors our stock profile and orders replacement items. She also communicates with hauliers to arrange factory collections on our behalf.
09.00 – On average we serve and handle in excess of 85 sales transactions a day, so our sales team are constantly busy at Chapman Street.
10.00 – Garry coordinates our logistics and starts to finalise the rounds for the following day. He will liaise with stock control to clarify all goods inwards are sorted & booked in.
11.00 – The marketing team look at the latest news, new product launches, demonstrations and promotions. Any special mentions are relayed onto our Website, Facebook & Twitter to spread the word.
12.00 – We rota lunch breaks over mid-day as the yard & phones remain busy.
13.00 – Branch Manager Barry touches base with all of his team, making sure everything is to schedule.
14.00 – We have a stocking profile of over 31,000 product lines, so it’s important we monitor this is being run efficiently.
15.00 – When the trucks return, the yard staff load up tomorrow’s orders. The transport department discuss the product split and how best to load the vehicles safely.
16.00 – Garry checks all the drivers have point checked their vehicles. The trade counter area is tidied up and Accounts Department paperwork completed.
16.30 – We review how the day has gone & discuss the pending orders in relation to what is being sold to our sales target.
17.00 – The end of another busy day - Time for home! See you tomorrow!