Redland Concrete Plain Roof Tile & Half - Tudor Brown
At verges and side abutments, Tile-and-a-Halves must be used in alternate courses with Concrete Plain, Heathland and Rosemary Clay Tiles.
A cross-cambered concrete plain tile of traditional appearance, designed to be easy to fix. Available in a wide range of natural colours to offer a variety of design options.
Redland's range of concrete plain tiles are quick and easy to lay and offer great versatility and scope for varied effects. The tile features a double camber from side to side as well as from head to tail which textures the roof adding rich detail to a building. Tiles are available in a wide range of different surface finishes, including smooth, sanded and granular to blend with traditional roofing materials throughout the country.
Tile finish : smooth.
Profile : concrete plain tile.
BBA certified.