Manthorpe GL280F Loft Access Door
When safety is paramount the Manthorpe one hour fire rated door is a must. Manufactured from powder coated steel, this door has been tested and certified by Chiltern International Fire Ltd.
It has been finished with a light texture which can be easily cleaned or painted to match the surrounding decor. The door is draught sealed to four sides preventing moist, warm air entering the roof space and adding to the risk of condensation.
The Manthorpe GL280F fire rated door comes with a 'T' key lock as standard.
Key Features:
- 1 hour fire rated
- Built in draft seals
- Powder-coated mild steel finish
- Rectangular drop-down version Available with square ‚¬Å“T-keys ‚¬
- Mineral wool insulation offers of a U-Value of 0.35 W/m ²K
Technical Info | Fitting Requirements Trim out a suitable opening and fix noggins spanning between trusses to form a clear opening of 562mm x 726mm. Fit a layer of 10mm plasterboard 95mm up the edge of the joist. This leaves an opening of 542mm x 706mm. Offer up the door and frame in the open position ensuring it sits squarely and flush against the ceiling. Use 50mm long woodscrews to secure the frame through the 16 no. pre punched holes. Seal around the joint between the frame and ceiling using a fire resistant mastic. Certifications Manthorpe GL270F & GL280F 1Hr Fire Resistance Warrington Fire Test Report No. 157 180.pdf Manthorpe GL270F & GL280F BRE Air Leakage Test Report No. 233 677.pdf Regulations & Standards BS 5250: Control of condensation in buildings. BS 9250: Design of the airtightness of ceilings in pitched roofs. Approved Document L1 & L2: Conservation of fuel and power. DEFRA Robust Construction Details NHBC Technical Guidance 7.2: Pitched Roofs. BRE Digest Report 262: Thermal Insulation: Avoiding Risks. BRE Digest Report 443:Conventions for U-Value calculations. |