Britmet Profile 49 Rustic Terracotta
0.45mm Lightweight Metal Roof Tile
The Redland 49 | Ludlow Plus | Standard Pattern and others like them are a classic British tile profile. They have been used extensively over the years on housing developments. Britmets Profile 49 now offers a lightweight alternative at only 7kg per m ² compared to concrete tiles at 51kg! This beautifully contoured tile design can be fixed on roof pitches as low as 10 ° and can be installed on vertical elements. The Britmet Profile 49 is made from high grade 0.45mm Aluzinc steel which has been coated with a durable and tough acrylic finish, granulated with stone and then overglazed sealing in a lasting depth of colour. Britmet offer a 40-year guarantee against weather damage, ensuring that even in the harshest of conditions the Britmet Profile 49 is made to last. The Profile 49 is easy to install offering good durability, easy to handle and is a fully dry fixed system, with a large range of accessories. The Profile 49 offers a quick and easy roofing solution.
Designed to give a traditional tile appearance
Minimum pitch 10 °
Easy to handle
Offers reduced sub-structure
Quick Installation
Less labour intensive
Cost effective
Maintenance free
Extensive range of accessories and flashings available
Fully dry-fixed
Guaranteed for 40-years against weather penetration
Only 2.08 tiles per m ²
British manufactured
Technical Info | Minimum Pitch €“ 10 ° Maximum Pitch €“ 90 ° Thickness €“ 0.45mm Overall Width €“ 1420mm Batten Gauge €“365mm Cover Width €“ 1315mm Side Lap €“ 105mm Step €“ 19mm Weight €“ 7kg per m ² Tiles per m ² €“ 2.08 Roof Cover per tile panel €“ 0.48m ² |