The benefits of insulating with natural materials like sheeps wool
Posted on 24th September 2019 | Posted in Buying GuidesMost of us are familiar with the benefits of a woolly jumper, however when it comes down to making a choice over insulating our homes, natural insulation seems to be still in the realms of a TV ‘Grand Design’, along with over excited couples stroking the home grown, fleecy wadding before stuffing it into the roof, walls and floor...
A Guide To Creating A Green Roof System Using Grufekit
Posted on 5th June 2019 | Posted in 'How to' Advice & Flat RoofingA guide to creating a green roof system using Grufekit This guide outlines key steps to installing a beautiful green roof with our easy to use Grufekits. Installed correctly, a green roof not only looks great but provides many different benefits including water storage, decreasing flood risks and new habitat creation. Small scale green roof construction projects, like a green...